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5 Things You Shouldn’t Forget before Visiting a Mobile Repair Shop

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By any chance, are you planning to visit a mobile repair shop here in Singapore? If your answer is yes, but still have no idea of what you should do before going to a handphone repair shop, then read this to get a better insight on what you should do.

1. Take off the SIM Card

Yes, you should always remove the SIM card of your phone, so you can still use it in any other handphone you have while your main one is in the repair shop. With that, you wouldn't have to worry about missing any important calls or updates from family, work or friends.

2. Disable the Security Locks

If you are not comfortable about writing down your password, consider disabling the security locks of your phone, because this will help the mobile repair shop to work on your enquiries without asking you to unlock it from time to time.

3. Logging or Signing Out

Also, aside from disabling the security locks of your handphone, always log off or sign out your account in any application or software. So you can assure your information is safe from prying eyes when you handed them over to the repair shop.

4. Create a Backup

Of course, you have to create a backup, especially when you have some sensitive data saved on your phone. So be sure to save them all in your iCloud or any hard drive days before going to the mobile repair shop.

5. Wipe or Reset Everything

Like it or not, you shouldn’t skip this part, because this will assure you that there is no data or information left on your phone when you hand them your handphone to the repair shop.

Just ensure to follow these things before going to the mobile repair shop. But if you have questions about what repairs, then consider contacting this cheapest handphone repair shop called IMobile Repair in Singapore, and see if their services are worth your budget!