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Cockroaches: Every Nasty Thing That You Should Know About Them

· Pest Control SG
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Cockroaches are the most abundant and troublesome pest in many buildings and homes. Though there are approximately 3,500 different species of cockroaches in the world, most are tropical insects. Each species of cockroach varies in appearance and habits, however, all are generally flat, oval, and tan, brown, or black. Their head is flexed downward when they are at rest and is concealed by a large shield-like plate called the pronotum.

Cockroaches described

They have very long, threadlike antennae, large compound eyes, and chewing mouthparts. Cockroaches are nocturnal (most active at night) and stay in the dark whenever possible. They hide during the daylight hours in gaps, cracks, crevices and other tight places where their bodies can touch surfaces both above and below. They are highly gregarious (preferring to move in or form a group) and large numbers may occur within a small space (though they do not construct a "nest" as such). They cannot be simply swatted the same way as to how you get rid of house flies.

Cockroaches are general feeders and will survive on a wide variety of foods. They prefer starches and carbohydrates but will consume any food from people or pets. Cockroaches may be carried into buildings inboxes and beverage cases and with groceries. In apartments and larger buildings, they readily migrate from one room to another along water pipes and utility lines, or through cracks in the walls. Some species may enter structures from outdoors or come in through sewer lines. The stages in the simple life cycle of a cockroach are egg, nymph, and adult. The eggs are enclosed in a capsule of 14 to 40 eggs, depending on species. Nymphs look like the adults, but are smaller and have no wings. Their life cycle is from 1 to 12months.

Cockroach management

Management of cockroaches requires attention to all non-chemical and chemical control alternatives. Removing available food and water and changing structures to eliminate hiding places are essential in obtaining satisfactory cockroach management, though neither if used alone, will eliminate cockroaches. Practical habitat alterations include building maintenance to repair defects such as loose baseboards and mouldings, applying caulk around pipes and other wall penetrations, reducing clutter, and stopping water leak the same way you do to avoid dengue fever symptoms from mosquitos. Inspection is an important part of cockroach management. A flashlight, hand mirror, and magnifying hand lens can be used to detect cockroaches, harborages, droppings, or egg cases. Cockroach problem areas should be noted on your service record or building floor plan as a way to follow problems over time and for clearer communication with clients. Traps can be used as a monitoring method for cockroach detection. Traps will indicate pest presence and population size, but not exact sources. In kitchens and living areas, apply insecticides as crack and crevice or spot treatments to places where the cockroaches hide. Residual insecticide label directions specify crack and crevice treatment is used in commercial food-handling areas. As the name implies, a crack and crevice treatment is the application of a small amount of insecticide directly into the cracks and crevices.

These treatment sites would include expansion joints, openings to wall voids or hollow spaces, narrow openings along or beneath appliances or equipment, and hollow equipment legs and bases almost similar to termite control processes. A pin stream nozzle or a nozzle extension tube will be required to perform a crack and crevice treatment so that there is no insecticide applied on exposed surfaces. A spot treatment involves a limited surface application to small areas (less than two square feet) where pests hide or live. Some residual insecticide labels permit spot treatment in food handling areas, but this should not be understood as clearance to make a general or "baseboard" treatment.

Sprays, dusts, and baits are available for cockroach treatment. Dusts should be carefully blown into places difficult to reach where they will remain undisturbed. Sprays are generally used in areas where dust residues would be unsightly and where dust application is otherwise inappropriate.


In summary

Getting rid of roaches involves more than just spraying an insecticide or putting down bait or dust. Roaches get into everything, multiply rapidly, and can survive for several months without food and up to two weeks without water. These little pests definitely pose a challenge, but with the proper tools and roach killer products, you can learn how to get rid of cockroaches by following the roach management above. Whether you are trying to control American roaches, German cockroaches, oriental roaches, smoky brown roaches, wood roaches, brown-banded roaches, palmetto bugs, or any other type of roach, Rentokil would help you get rid of them.

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