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Dos and Don’ts: For Taking the Best Graduation Photography

· photography services,photoshoot studio

Time flies within seconds, that’s what graduation is, it is something that tends to sneak on us. One minute it's your first day of class, and the minute after you are already days away from graduation. So, if you are preparing for your graduation photoshoot, then take a look at these dos and don'ts for taking the best graduation photography!


Dress to Impress

Remember, photos last forever, so don’t settle for less, and be in your best dress to impress, and make your OOTD stand out among the rest.

Proper Grooming

Of course, aside from dressing up, you must do proper grooming, so ensure your nails, hair, and whatnot are properly groom for your graduation photoshoot!

Be Early

You know, as they say, early birds catch the worm. So, be early to your graduation photoshoot, because this will help you prep things up.


Try Out a New Look

Yes, you are trying to look the best, but don’t try a new look that you haven’t tried before, because the result you might be expecting isn’t the best but worse.

Ignore Proper Hygiene

All is well, but don’t forget or ignore to do proper hygiene, because this will help start and end your graduation photoshoot successfully and feel better they capture the best graduation photography!


Slouching is big NO-NO! So sit up straight, and wear your best smile at the camera.

Last, but not the least. Wear your best smile, and relax in front of the camera, because this helps to capture the best graduation photography you can remember even decades after.

Familiarise yourself with these dos and don’t, so by the time your graduation photoshoot comes in, you are ready to have best graduation photography. But if you still haven’t booked any studio photoshoot company, then contact Picture ME in Singapore, as they can capture a perfect shot for you!