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Factors To Consider When Choosing Office Equipment Suppliers

· Business Services,Computer Accessories
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The office equipment is one of the many critical aspects of any workplace that most people tend to forget. For our business, we upgraded to a new set of office supplies since our old ones were malfunctioning to the point where our productivity suffered.

So we researched online and searched for potential office equipment suppliers in Singapore that we could buy from. Eventually, we settled for a distributor of supplies and items designed for arranging (and disposing of) paperwork.

We bought a paper shredder in Singapore for every employee in the workplace so they’ll have a convenient time getting rid of unnecessary documents. Our office still relies on traditional methods, like printing and sending documents via fax. Still, old-timers like us need to catch up with the latest technology so we can improve our efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

So after buying a paper shredder for everyone in the office, we also invested in quality computer accessories in Singapore that should help our employees in accomplishing their daily tasks.

Sure, we bought a lot of new stuff for everyone in the office, but how did we know that these products are safe to use in the long run? Instead of going to the most popular supplier of office equipment in the country, we researched and considered a few factors that will help us find the right one.


Before you settle with a supplier of your choice, make sure they’re the right one for you! With our experience in connecting with several distributors in the country, here are some of the factors you could consider.


While it’s not necessary, buying from a supplier that offers a variety of equipment and supplies is an advantage on your part. How so? In case you need to buy something new, you can visit your go-to supplier instead and purchase their products.

Of course, you still need to make sure that the items are up to standard. But if you trust your seller, there’s no reason to buy from others, unless you want to diversify your branded equipment.


Are you aware of the saying “You get what you pay for”? Most of the time, it’s true! You could buy something cheap, and it will break after a few days of usage. Well, you can’t say that what you bought is a rip-off since you got what you paid for!

That’s why you should buy from office equipment suppliers in Singapore that offer not expensive, but rather affordable products that are guaranteed to last longer than usual. However, that doesn’t mean you have to buy expensive items, but most of the time the price can determine quality. So as much as possible, try to invest in quality items that are sure to last long as opposed to cheap products that could break in an instant!


Not all products are guaranteed to withstand the test of time. That’s why every distributor should offer technical support services for 9 to 12 hours a day. You’ll never know when your equipment will malfunction, so it’s helpful to contact the supplier in such circumstances.

For instance, your computer accessories aren’t working to your expectations. If they’re malfunctioning, you could contact your supplier to find out how they can solve your problem. Most of the time, the seller will just replace your product with a brand new one, but it still depends on the situation.

In short, you should find out if the supplier offers technical support. Before we bought from ACCO Brands, we made sure they’d help us if our products will ever break down. And to our surprise, we did need their technical support because some of our computer accessories malfunctioned in less than a week!


These are just some of the factors we considered to find someone reliable in a market full of office equipment suppliers. Hopefully, you can do the same note these down so you can make sure the seller you’ll buy from is 100% trustworthy.

It’s worth noting that not all suppliers are reliable either. You need to check the seller’s background and experience in distributing office supplies. The longer they are in the industry, the higher the chances that they sell quality products! Of course, nothing is absolute, and you should be careful when you’re on the lookout for office products.

Once we made sure that the ACCO Brands had checked everything on our list, we bought from them and hoped that their products would deliver… and they did.

I highly recommend buying from ACCO Brands if you’re looking for quality computer accessories in Singapore. I can guarantee that their items will help you out in improving efficiency in the workplace! Visit this website if you’re interested.