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How Should Your Safety Signs be Placed?

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Accidents do not pick a time, place, or person before it happens. So, it is the employers’ responsibility to prevent this from happening in their workplaces by following the protocols that the Singapore laws have on safety signs! Here are some tips to know where you should place these signs for ensured safety and compliance.

1. At eye-level
When you want your safety signs to catch attention, then you should place them at eye-level. You can assess the average height of your employees and set the distance between the ground and the safety sign. In that way, you can be sure that they would all see it.

2. On heavy traffic areas
Easily enough your employees would not see your sign if you place it on areas where they do not go. So, to make your etching signs worth its price, you should place them where they go often like the locker room or the wall at the end of a hallway.

3. On doors of hazardous areas
There might be areas in your workplace where temperatures need to be lower or higher than they should be. For instance, rooms where your machinery is placed which any careless movement could cause collision between sources of motion.

4. Where objects could fall
Project sites may be temporary but it does not mean that you should neglect to put up signs! A recommended process of getting your safety signs is UV printing services in Singapore as it can make the words in the signs more visible with vibrant inks.

5. Where you need to inform or warn visitors
Some areas in your workplace do not allow unauthorised access and you want to make it known to guests. For instance, some areas have high radiation levels, so you need to wear protective clothing before you enter it. It is best to have warning signs which leads to that area.

Do you already have ideas on where to put your safety signs? Let NanYang Advertising print these signs for you! They are one of the reliable producers of safety signs in Singapore today.

Visit their website to get their contact information.
