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How to Prepare Your Pantry During COVID-19 Outbreak

· Retail,Shopping,Business Services
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Feeling anxious?

In times of a global health scare, with the spread of the coronavirus, one of the best possible response you could make is to observe proper hygiene and strengthen your immunity to protect yourself from getting infected.

One thing you can do is to eat and drink healthily. It’s clear that at such a difficult time, fruit juices such as calamansi concentrates are the real winner.

Store Fruit Juices in Your Pantry

It’s not only the nutrients in fruit juices and juice concentrates that make them ideal, amidst the spread of coronavirus. It’s the fact that you can stock them in your pantry to make sure that have enough healthy food reserves to survive you through the times when you can’t just storm into the grocery.

Aside from fruit concentrates you can get from a fruit juice supplier in Singapore, the following items are suggested to have in your emergency food supplies:

✓ dried fruits

✓ protein bards

✓ ready-to-eat canned meats

✓ cereal

✓ non-perishable pasteurised milk

Can You Store Fresh Food?

Yes, you can stock up on fresh foods amidst an outbreak, But, make sure that you use as many fresh foods early on before turning to reserves—frozen goods, juice concentrates, canned goods, and other foods with longer shelf-life. You don’t want anything to go to waste, do you?

Final Tips: How to Prepare Your Pantry During COVID-19 Outbreak

— clear out old food. Assess what you have in stock and get rid of anything that is past its expiration date.

— store up to two weeks of food supplies. You don’t have to stock up so much on food. Knowing that you have some things prepared should be enough for peace of mind.

— don’t forget the essentials. A basic list of your stock should include major food groups such as protein sources, whole grains, and healthy fats.

— store freezer-friendly items. Pasta sauces, meatballs, and similar freezer-friendly items should also be on your list.