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Learning Beyond Books And Classes

· educational,consultant singapore,carean oh,parenting tips
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How to motivate children? That has been the most pressing question for parents who want to achieve academic and personal success. Another would be how learning plays a vital role in their growth and development. They undertake various efforts, such as enrolling in writing courses in Singapore or consulting with a professional for assistance. 

However, parents overlook a vital idea: Learning happens outside the classroom. Kids are on the constant quest of making sense of their surroundings. Let us explore how children learn through play time outside school. 


One integral aspect of early childhood development is their socialisation skills. Kids talk to their siblings, parents, and their playmates. Aside from consulting with an educational consultant in Singapore, you prioritise the development of this skill. Teach them good manners, let them play with their friends and neighbours, and regularly interact with them. Doing this helps them in their classes. 


Another thing parents can do is let their children immerse themselves outside. You can take them to a play area, beautiful park, or travel internationally with them. It helps them develop a sense of curiosity that helps them succeed in life. If you are looking for parenting tips in Singapore, do this for your child. 


There is a good reason parents enrol their kids in various lessons like sports, musical instruments, and other skills. One of which is personal growth aside from learning the craft. For example, if a child joins a sports school, they also develop teamwork, discipline, and other values that help them achieve things in life.


Yes, the simple conversation you have when a child asks you about minute things like a flower they saw at the park has tremendous effects. Why? Letting your kids explore and ask questions to you is one way of developing their abilities. 

Carean Oh can help aid the academic and personal success of your child. Visit her website to know more.
