When was the last time you got a massage? When you sprained your leg? Or when you had excruciating back pain? People get a wellness massage to alleviate muscle pain and loosen the knots. But did you know that a wellness massage is more than just a relaxation treatment? Different kinds of wellness massage, such as a womb massage, have other astounding benefits!
Here are the hidden benefits of a wellness massage:
1. Toxin elimination.
Therapists believe that massage helps remove toxins in the body through lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic system protects the body from infection and keeps toxins at bay.
Lymphatic drainage massage helps to flush out lymph fluids that contain toxins out of the body.
You can get rid of the toxins from your bloodstream by drinking water after your massage and urinating them out.
2. It improves motion.
Did you know that physical therapies also include wellness massage in their treatment plans? People who suffer from musculoskeletal injuries and stroke get wellness massage to help regain their range of motion.
So don't be surprised when your therapists teach you some massage.
3. It improves the quality of sleep.
If you can't sleep at night, you need a wellness and womb massage. Massage improves sleep due to two possible reasons. First, it reduces stress and anxiety levels. Second, it reduces body discomfort by alleviating pain and aches.
No wonder why some people fall asleep whilst having a massage in a spa because it makes you want to sleep!
4. It helps alleviate a pinched nerve.
A pinched nerve happens when there is pressure around your nerve, causing pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling sensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of this condition.
Massage helps in releasing this pressure, giving your nerves a rest.
5. It boosts the immune system.
Wellness massage helps blood circulation. If the blood circulates properly, your organs receive the nutrition they need.
Additionally, massage reduces stress, linked to the onset of many diseases.
What are you waiting for? Get your wellness massage and moxibustion in Singapore today!
Ample Life Wellness provides wellness massage, moxibustion, and facial treatment in Singapore.