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Why Should you do Pottery After a Workweek?

· pottery workshop

Art therapy is beneficial to people who are not used to doing creative hobbies. The use of artistic methods such as pottery can enhance your mental health and as a way to cope with stress. Thus, it is recommended to do after a week of stressful work.

Here are the positive effects that you would get in a pottery workshop.

Build new and old relationships
If you came with a friend, this is a chance to catch-up and experience something new together. Going alone is also ideal to meet new people and develop a bond. Either way, pottery classes are an opportunity to join new communities to learn new things!

Teach you how to focus
Since the emergence of smartphones, the average human attention span has lowered from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. This is where pottery-making becomes useful because it teaches you to fully focus. By dedicating your focus on the clay, it impacts a higher attention span.

Calms you down
In Singapore, getting into pottery calms them down from a state of stress or grief. It works by helping you zone out and just focuses on the clay you are in your hands. This can be a way for you to shed the stress that the previous week has caused you.

Develops your creativity
Obviously, pottery has the power to unleash the inner artist in you. If you enjoy it, you may think about the possibility of doing it full-time! Kidding aside, this is an effective way to increase your overall self-esteem.

Exercises your hands
Your joints need a little stretching from time-to-time. Through pottery, you will be able to move the joints of your fingers, hands, and wrists. This will be strengthened as you shape the mud with some force.

Self-expression is not exclusive to famous art mediums such as painting, photography, or dance. Sometimes the mess you get from sculpting clay through pottery-making is more beneficial for you.

Take this time to shine by signing up for pottery class in Singapore! Reach out to Urth & Phire through their website