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5 Characteristics of A Good Magician

· Magician
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It takes more than knowing simple illusion tricks to encapsulate a good magician. You would notice these in their close-up magic show because they are able to display all of it at once! Here are their characteristics that will convince you to hire one as entertainment for your corporate event!

  1. Discipline

In practising, performing, and learning modern tricks, discipline is a must because it shows the dedication to improve their craft. If they can train themselves further, they will definitely be recognised in the industry. So, when you find a company who has recognisable illusionists, do not hesitate to hire them!

  1. Optimistic

Like all people who want to leave a mark here on earth, magicians should be able to dream big. The right amount of optimism goes far because they will do their best in every event they get hired in! So, you will be assured that they would give a stellar performance as a roving magician.

  1. Easily engage with audience

Regardless of the age and gender of their audience, they have the skill to engage their audience with their magic show -- close-up or not. It means that they have good showmanship that is required and expected from entertainers like them.

  1. Can maintain concentration

You might be thinking of hiring multiple roving magicians for your big corporate event, and there is nothing wrong with that! You just have to make sure that the magicians you hire can maintain their small circle of an audience instead of competing with their fellow magicians.

  1. Know the appropriate tricks to show

All events are different as they all have different intentions and messages to send to the audience. Once you inform them of the age range of the audience, they should know what unique tricks to show! This would avoid any complaints from the audience and save you from possible scolding from your boss.

Looking for good and skilled roving magicians in Singapore? Get them from Artful Deception today!