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What Should You Know about Taoist Funeral?

· Funeral
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Life and death are both natural occurrences that all cultures across the world have their own beliefs and traditions. But in Singapore alone, this diverse country has learned to adapt and respect these differences and practices, so when it comes with Taoist funeral, here are the things you should know.

Wake Last for 3, 5 or 7 Days

When it comes to wakes, people in Singapore who practice Taoism are very particular with odd numbers. Because this symbolises a harmonic occasion, and most of the time, wakes are held at home or in funeral parlours.

Taoist Casket has 3 bumps on Top

Yes, most Taoists follow this when holding Taoist funerals, and there are beautifully engraved lotuses and flowers on top of these three bumps, and sometimes the casket comes with 4-sided or 8-sided.

Setting Altars Matters a Lot.

When it comes to the altar, most of them are particular of placing a holy lamp and two large candles, because these three items symbolise the light of wisdom, sunlight, and moonlight. But that’s not all, some of the time place a cup of tea as yin, and rice as yang, and water for unity, and at the very end, they will also include five fruits to represent five natural elements.

Not Going Home Right Away

Most people today still follow this old tradition, because what elders used to say “ghost who lingers around in any ceremony like Taoist funeral might follow you on the way home”. That's why visitors and even family are encouraged to go elsewhere before going home.

These are how Taoist funerals happen in Singapore. But if you want to know what kind of Taoist funeral package should you get, then contact a funeral director from Hock Hin, as they can answer your enquiries, and even provide you what’s the difference if this between Buddhist funeral services.